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Best Snoring Treatment in Janakpuri

best snoring treatment delhi

Best Snoring Treatment at Lowest Cost in Janakpuri, Delhi

Snoring occurs when the restricted air flows past relaxed tissues while sleeping. Snoring creates hoarse or harsh sounds that can get chronic while increasing the risk of heart attacks, stroke, and other health issues. Snoring affects sleep, leading to disturbances for you and your partner.

There are specific medical devices that can work to decrease snoring during sleep. However, for severe disruptive snoring issues, the doctor may recommend surgery that can help ease breathing while sleeping.

What is Snoring?

The noisy breathing, while you sleep, is known as snoring. It is not a serious issue when it occurs once in a while. But, when it occurs more often it leads to chronic health conditions. It is observed that snoring is more common in men and overweight people, and it can worsen with age. The air passage from the mouth or nose gets obstructed during sleep. In such cases, when there is an air passage obstruction, the air tends to force itself, and the soft tissues of the mouth, nose, and throat vibrate together, making snorting or gurgling sounds. Snoring can lead to long-term sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea. It can also trigger other health issues like heart attacks, breathing problems, and stroke.

Snoring Symptoms To Look Out For

Snoring is often linked with “Obstructive Sleep Apnea” (OSA). However, not all snorers have OSA. OSA is associated with loud snoring followed by gaps of silence where the breathing nearly comes to a halt. The breathing pauses may awaken you with a gasping sound or a sudden large snort. Eventually, leading to a sleep disturbance. These breathing patterns may awaken some more than once or many times during a night’s sleep. Here are some of the OSA symptoms often seen in people who snore are:

  • • Paused breathing during sleep
  • • Often sleeping during the daytime,
  • • Concentration issues
  • • Headaches, especially in the mornings
  • • Sore throat in the morning hours
  • • Restless sleep
  • • Air gasping or choking during sleep
  • • High Blood pressure
  • • Pain in the chest,
  • • Loud snoring causing disturbances
  • • Behavioural issues, less attentiveness, and performance in School.

What Causes Snoring?

snoring treatment delhi

Several factors can contribute to snoring. Some of them include mouth anatomy, alcohol intake, allergies, cold, and body weight. Some of the other reasons that affect the airways or cause snoring are:

  • • Nasal airway blockage can be due to a deviated septum (the wall separating the two nostrils are crooked) or nasal polyps
  • • The too much-relaxed muscle tone of the throat and tongue
  • • Large adenoids and tonsils can cause snoring
  • • A long soft palate or uvula can attenuate the opening from the nose to the throat. This causes soft tissues to pile over one another, where airways get blocked, causing vibration while the air passes by
  • • Alcohol consumption and the use of muscle relaxing medications can relax the throat and tongue muscles way too much than required
  • • Sleeping on your back can make one snore. Sleeping with large and very soft pillows can increase snoring
  • • The throat muscles relax when you are deprived of sleep, causing snoring
Risk Factors that contribute to Snoring
snoring treatment delhi

Certain risk factors can increase the likelihood of snoring. Some of them include:

  • • Men are more likely to have sleep apnea and snoring issues than women
  • • People with overweight issues are more probable of having obstructive sleep apnea and snoring problems
  • • Alcohol can increase the risk of snoring as it can relax the throat muscles more than required
  • • Nasal structural defects like a deviated septum, and chronicle congestion can enhance snoring risks
  • • Hereditary obstructive sleep apnea or a family history of snoring can potentially increase the risk of OSA or snoring.

What are the Treatment options for Snoring?

snoring treatment janakpuri

Snoring can be treated both via non-surgical and surgical treatment options. Non-surgical treatment options include lifestyle changes, medications, and external medical devices. Surgical options can range from surgical correction of a deviated septum, adenoids, and tonsillitis, to laser-assisted air passage widening.

Are there any Risks or Complications associated with Vocal Cord Surgery?

snoring treatment janakpuri

Vocal cord surgery is generally safe. Vocal cord laser surgery is highly safe. But, micro laryngoscopy can have rare risks associated. Some of them include:

  • • Loss of sense of taste for a couple of weeks post-surgery
  • • Unintended vocal cord injury
  • • Permanent voice change or vocal cord scarring
  • • Adverse anaesthesia effect
Non-surgical Treatment Options for Snoring
  • • Lifestyle changes: Lifestyle modifications include refraining from alcohol intake, changes in sleeping positions, and maintaining a healthy weight.
  • • Nasal Strips: Bands can be placed or stuck on the nose to keep the nasal passages open.
  • • Medications:Medications for allergies and colds to alleviate congestion and ease breathing.
  • • Oral devices: Oral devices like mouth guards or mouth devices keep the jaws in such a position that the air can flow easily. However, excessive salivation, dry mouth, jaw pain, and facial discomfort are possible side effects of wearing these devices.
  • • Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP): Snoring associated with OSA can be treated through CPAP. This method uses a mask to be worn over the nose or mouth while sleeping. The mask can conduct the airflow in the airways while keeping them open during sleep.

Surgical Treatment Options for Snoring

snoring treatment new delhi

In some cases, snoring and sleep-disordered breathing are treated with surgery to shrink or remove excess tissue or correct a structural problem. Many of these procedures are minimally invasive. Your surgeon uses small incisions, and you may be able to go home the same day. Surgery for snoring includes:

  • • Laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty:This procedure helps reduce the long soft palate and uvula to widen the air passage and improve airflow.
  • • Radiofrequency ablation: This technique applies radiofrequency waves that reduce excess soft palate and tongue tissues.
  • • Maxillomandibular advancement (MMA): MMA involves a dental procedure of moving the upper and lower jaws to the forward position to help widen the airway.
  • • Septoplasty: This procedure corrects a deviated septum in the nose to improve airflow. Septoplasty reshapes the nasal bone and cartilage.
  • • Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy: The surgeon clears the excess tissue from the tonsils through a tonsillectomy. Another procedure, adenoidectomy, helps remove tissues from the back of the nose.

Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation: This is a newer surgical technique that involves nerve stimulations, causing a forward tongue movement and opening of the airways. However, the effectiveness and response to this technique may be challenging to anticipate.


Snoring is not any medical condition or disease. But, the restriction of the air passage during sleep results in noisy breathing and sleep disturbance. Although snoring affects men more than women, frequent and sudden slow or stoppage of breathing can lead to obstructive sleep apnea while increasing the risk of severe health conditions.

You need to connect with Dr. Saloni Sinha to avoid such situations and get appropriate treatment for your problems related to snoring. She endeavours to provide comprehensive care while adopting the most ethical and scientific approach. To get a detailed analysis and treatment for your ENT and cosmetic concern contact Dr. Saloni Sinha’s ENT and Cosmetic Clinic in Delhi.

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