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Thyroid and Parotid Gland Surgery In Janakpuri, Delhi

thyroid and parotid gland surgery delhi

Best Thyroid and Parotid Gland Treatment at Affordable Cost

The oral cavity houses two types of salivary glands. One type is the minor salivary glands that line up the mucosal layer and are present in plenty, overwhelming the entire mouth. The second type is the major salivary glands, namely:

  • • Parotid- situated deep within the cheek
  • • Submandibular- Present under the edge of each jaw
  • • Sublingual- Below the tongue

The throat has one of the major thyroid hormone-producing gland, the thyroid gland, which is a butterfly-shaped gland, contributing to various functions ranging from temperature regulation to metabolism regulation in the body.

Both thyroid and parotid glands are important glands of the oral and throat regions. When there is a blockage, damage, or abnormal growths pertaining to these glands, surgery to eliminate the damage is essential.

While blockage of the parotid gland restricts the outflow of saliva that can lead to salivary gland enlargement. Similarly, a damaged or non-functional thyroid can lead to abnormal thyroid values, metabolic issues, and hormonal imbalances. According to the condition and precise diagnosis, a neck mass surgery pertaining to the salivary glands and thyroid is performed to enable smooth functioning.

Thyroid Surgery or Thyroidectomy

Thyroidectomy is the surgical removal of all or part of the thyroid gland. This surgery helps treat thyroid disorders, cancerous and noncancerous growths of the thyroid (goitre), an overactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism. Partial thyroidectomy involves the removal of a portion or part of the thyroid, and total thyroidectomy involves the whole thyroid removal. The type of thyroidectomy performed depends on the reason for the surgery.

Why is Thyroidectomy Performed?

Thyroidectomy may be recommended or required for one of the following reasons:

  • • Thyroid cancer: Thyroidectomy of a part or all of the thyroid gland, depending on the condition, is a possible treatment option for thyroid cancers.
  • • Goitre or Noncancerous enlargement of the thyroid: Large goitre or thyroid enlargement can cause swallowing and breathing issues with hyperthyroidism (excess thyroid hormone production or overactive thyroid).
  • • Overactive thyroid or hyperthyroidism: Excess thyroxine production is one of the primary indications of hyperthyroidism. When medications or iodine therapy are not enough or cannot be used thyroidectomy is an alternative treatment option.

Intermediate thyroid nodules: Thyroid nodules can be benign or malignant and need to be removed through thyroidectomy.

How is Thyroidectomy Performed?

The thyroid removal surgery is usually performed under anaesthesia. After anaesthesia administration, the surgeon takes you through the following steps of thyroidectomy.

  • • The surgeon makes a small incision in the lower centre of your neck and is done by one of the following methods.
  • • Conventional thyroidectomy: The incision is made in the centre of the neck where the thyroid is directly accessed and removed according to the condition.
  • • Transoral thyroidectomy: This method does not involve a neck incision, instead the thyroid is accessed through the mouth.
  • • Endoscopic thyroidectomy: In this method, a very small incision in the neck allows surgical instruments and an endoscope (device embedded with light and camera source). The surgery is guided by an endoscope.

Aftercare and Recovery of Thyroidectomy

The thyroidectomy surgery may take at least two to three hours. After surgery, you will be monitored for some time and later be shifted to the ward. Sometimes, a drain pipe may be placed, at the incision that will be removed a day after surgery. After a thyroidectomy, you may experience pain in the neck and hoarse or weak voices that are temporary and normalised over time. You can eat and drink as usual post-surgery and will be permitted to go home after a day or two. If an incision is made during the surgery, it may take up to a year for the scar to fade. Check with your doctor about which over-the-counter creams to reduce scars are safe to use. You will need to refrain from vigorous activities for a couple of weeks post thyroidectomy.

Parotid Surgery or Parotidectomy

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Parotidectomy is otherwise a parotid gland tumour surgery. In this surgery, the surgeon surgically removes a part of the entire parotid gland- one of the major salivary glands present deep within the cheeks.

The parotid gland is made of two lobes. One is the superficial lobe, and the other is the deep lobe. Surgery performed to remove tumours of the superficial lobe is called a superficial parotidectomy.

The Surgery performed to remove tumours of the deep lobe or in both the lobes of the parotid gland is called a total parotidectomy. This surgery is crucial as a delicate facial nerve separates the two lobes. And during the surgery, preserving the facial nerve is an important priority.

Types and Procedures of the Parotid gland surgery

As aforesaid, the tumour removal surgery can be done in two ways depending on the area or extent of the tumour condition.

Superficial Parotidectomy: If the tumour of the parotid glands is confined to superficial lobes, the surgeon will opt for superficial parotidectomy to remove the affected portions of the parotid gland. During superficial parotidectomy, the surgeon will perform the following steps.

  • • A cut or incision is made at the front region of the ear that follows up to the neck along the jawline.
  • • Once the superficial lobe is accessed, the tumour, along with the surrounding healthy tissues, are removed without affecting the facial nerve
  • • The incision made is stitched at the end of the surgery while a dressing is placed to heal.

Total Parotidectomy: When the tumour of the parotid gland is confined to the deep love or spread in both the superficial and deep lobes, the surgeon will choose a total Parotidectomy.

  • • With an incision similar to superficial parotidectomy, the surgeon will remove the affected tumour and its surrounding tissues to retain the healthy ones without damaging the facial nerve.
  • • After the surgery, the incision is sutured and dressed well.

Aftercare and Recovery of Parotidectomy

While eliminating the tumours of the parotid glands or a part or the entire parotid gland. The recovery time for parotidectomy varies individually. However, one can resume daily activities and light exercises after two weeks of surgery.

Many may face difficulty in swallowing and chewing for several days post-surgery. Some may observe swelling of the face and neck that recedes after 4 to 5 days, provided ice packs are applied regularly to the surgical wound.

Some may also experience numbness near the frontal region of the ear. However, the complete recovery from parotidectomy may take anywhere from 3 to 4 months to a year, depending on the condition.


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Thyroidectomy and parotidectomy help remove the damaged tissues and benign or malignant growths of the glands while retaining a part of the glands, or surgically extracting the entire gland. In the case of thyroidectomy, the surgeon operates on the thyroid gland while parotidectomy involves surgery of the parotid glands.

Stapes surgery or Stapedectomy treats osteosclerosis while replacing the damaged stapes bone in the middle ear. Stapes bone is a crucial bone that allows the passage of soundwaves from the middle ear to the inner ear. A damaged or immovable stapes bone can be a major reason for hearing loss.

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